Configurable - IG52-DB4-E, 4WD All Terrain Heavy Duty Enclosed Robot Platform

The gallery displays different options for this robot.


These specifications are based on the Standard Configuration listed below. These values may change based on the options selected.

  • Dimensions (LxWxH): 22.4" x 26.0" x 11.6"
  • Weight: 75 pounds
  • Axle Mount: Double Bearing (DB) - Axles are mounted on two sealed ball bearings
  • Drive Method: Chain drive witha 15:21 reduction (gear motors to drive wheels)
  • Speed and Payload Chart: 4WD IG52-DB Robots
  • Payload:
    • With default selected options: 60 to 80 pounds depending on use
    • Payload range with available options: 20 to 160 pounds
  • Speed:
    • With default selected options: 253 feet per minute (2.9 mph)
    • Top speed range with available options: 82 to 159 feet per minute

Standard Configuration

This is our recommended configuration and includes everything listed below. This configuration includes everything needed to make it run! Other options, including assembly, are detailed in the Available Options section.

While we recommend the standard configuration, if you would like to customize your robot we offer many options you can choose from at the bottom of the page. The TP-171-052 kit allows for a wide range of customizations based on your needs. We offer a variety of motor controllers, batteries, RC controllers, and encoders so you can configure the robot to meet your requirements. The weight of the robot will vary depending on how the robot is configured (batteries are the main cause of this). You can find detailed specs such as weight and dimensions by clicking on the component and viewing its product page. For help selecting components, read the information below.

  • Gear Motors: Choose from our selection of different RPM gear motors. As you go down in RPM, your payload capacity will go up but your speed will go down. As you go up in RPM, your payload capacity will go down but your speed will go up.
  • Wheels: Choose from our selection of wheels. You can choose from our standard grip pneumatic tires or if more traction is required you can choose our rugged all terrain traction lug tires.
  • Batteries: We offer a few different battery options but there are two types of batteries that we recommend using with this kit: Lead Acid and LiFePO4. The lead acid batteries are much less expensive but are heavier, do not provide any internal circuit protection, and can survive anywhere from about 200-1000 charge cycles. The LiFePO4 batteries are more expensive but are much lighter, have internal circuit breakers to prevent damaging themselves, and can survive about 1000-3000 charge cycles. The charge cycle estimates are based on the recommended depth of discharge for each battery cycle. A lead acid battery is only recommended to be discharged to about 50% of it's capacity while a LiFePO4 battery can be discharged to 100% with no long term affects.
  • Motor Controllers: Choose from our selection of RoboteQ, Sabertooth, and RoboClaw motor controllers. In most configurations, a single motor controller is all that is required. The left side motors share a channel while the right side motors share the other channel. We offer the option to double the quantity in case you require encoders on all four motors.
  • Encoders: This robot can be configured with encoders used for odometry and/or speed control. They are very useful if you are planning on making your robot autonomous or semi-autonomous. For encoders, select motors with encoders and the appropriate motor controller and encoder hookup. Linked below in the documentation and support section are some resources that help in selecting encoder options.
  • RC Controllers: We offer several options for controlling your platform. If you are planning on using this robot with a microcontroller, Wi-Fi control package, or similar device an RC controller is not necessary.
  • WiFi Control Package: We offer an option to control your robot with a WiFi package. If you wish to have encoder feedback, there is an option for WiFi Package with encoder input.
  • Paint: You can choose to have this robot painted if you would like. Our standard is black bedliner but we offer customized painting options as well.
  • Assembly: You can choose if you'd like our team to assemble the kit prior to delivery. If you have selected encoders and want assembly you must select the assembly with encoders. The in-house assembly will typically add a week to the delivery time.
  • This item is Discontinued.
  • Assembly will add approximately 1 week.
  • Need it faster? Contact us

These All Terrain Robots (ATRs) are designed and fabricated in North Carolina USA and fully supported by SuperDroid Robots, an industry leader in robotics. The enclosed chassis is a rigid gusseted aluminum frame that is precisely fabricated using state of the art CNC equipment. The wheels are mounted on solid steel axles which are supported by ball bearings. Each axle/wheel is driven by a planetary gear motor delivering smooth reliable power. The robot uses differential steering (movement is based on two separately driven wheels placed on either side of the robot body. It can thus change its direction by varying the relative rate of rotation of its wheels). See our ATR page for more details about our All Terrain Robots. If you need this robot customized beyond the provided options below, Contact us .

This is a configurable robot kit with selectable options. The options are pre-selected to reflect our recommended configuration but can be changed to suit your needs.

Configurable - IG52-DB4-E, 4WD All Terrain Heavy Duty Enclosed Robot Platform

  • Product Code: TP-171-052
  • Brand: SuperDroid Robots
  • Availability: Discontinued
  • This item does not qualify for free shipping

This product is unavailable.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Available Options

( Collapse All )
No Wheel and Shaft Sets
No Drive Motors
No Battery
No Motor Controller
No Encoder Hookup Kit
No RC Controller
None Selected
No Bumper
No Battery Charger
Battery Charging system
No Battery Bracket
Include Battery Bracket(s)
Unpainted Aluminum
Sandblast and Paint Robot
Complete Assembly
Complete Assembly with Encoders
Complete Assembly with Chain Coupled Axles
Complete Assembly w/ Encoders, Chain Coupled Axles

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