Autonomous RobotsNew ItemsUpdates and News
SuperDroid Robots is proud to introduce our latest autonomous robot, the VIPR!
The VIPR is a configurable autonomous robotic platform designed for easy customization. This is an autonomous robot that you can make into whatever you need! The open chassis allows you to attach components and sensors while the ROS system is easy to change.
An intuitive GUI allows users to set waypoints for the platform to visit. Once set, the autonomous platform determines the optimal path to travel. It does this with a combination of LIDAR, SLAM, Intel Realsense, and other sensors to ‘see’ the world around it. The data from those sensors travels to an NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier for processing. This stream of information tells the VIPR where obstacles are, in realtime. This platform can learn and adapt, even in unmapped areas!
It can operate on all indoor surfaces and cross thresholds up to 3/4″. The heavy-duty chassis and powerful motors can handle 200-pound payloads with no problem. We currently have two variants developed, the VIPR and the VIPR-L.
The VIPR is compact and has a small footprint. This is ideal as a base for sanitation systems like UV lights and disinfectant sprayers. It also can follow selected users while carrying a payload, keeping your hands free!
[kleo_button title=”Click Here to Visit the VIPR Product Page” href=”” style=”highlight” size=”lg” ]
The VIPR-L allows for wider payloads and serves as a larger base. Additional sensors provide the platform a better understanding of its environment. This platform is great for modification, warehouse use, and redesign projects.
[kleo_button title=”Click Here to Visit the VIPR-L Product Page” href=”” style=”highlight” size=”lg” ]
As with any of our robots, we’re going to keep improving and developing this system! Stay Tuned for the latest in SuperDroid Robot News!