Electric Power Hookup Kit
- Wire: 8ft(96") Red & Black 18-AWG
- Wire: 4ft(48") Red & Black 22-AWG
- Switch: One (1) 20A 2PST Switch
- Fuse: One (1) 10A ATO / ATC Blade Fuse
- Fuse: One (1) 5A ATO / ATC Blade Fuse
- Fuse: Two (2) 1A ATO / ATC Blade Fuse
- Fuse Holder: Two (2) ATC Fuse Holder 14 Gauge
- Four (4) Adhesive tie mounts & zip ties
Documentation and Support
Note: This basic schematic is just one possible way to wire the robot using our Electric Power Hookup kit.
This kit includes hookup wire for your Robot Kit. It includes wire, switch, fuse holders, and fuses to hookup your motor controllers and microcontrollers. This kit is intended for our All-Terrain Robot kits, but can be used for other applications too.
Electric Power Hookup Kit
- Product Code: TE-025-000
- Brand: SuperDroid Robots
- Availability: Discontinued