Electric Power Hook-Up Kits

Complete electric power hook up kits which include all the wiring, switches, fuses, and more to deliver power across your robot.

15 Amp Connector Set
15 Amp Connector Set

15A connectors for the batteries or whatever. The connectors are sometimes referred to as Anderson P..

Product Code: TE-027-015



2WD Electric Power Hookup Kit
2WD Electric Power Hookup Kit

This kit includes a Power Switch, switch bracket, fuse blocks, terminal block, wires and more to wir..

Product Code: TE-025-300



30 Amp Connector Set
30 Amp Connector Set

30A connectors for the batteries or whatever. The connectors are sometimes referred to as Anderson P..

Product Code: TE-027-030



45 Amp Connector Set
45 Amp Connector Set

45A connectors for the batteries or whatever. The connectors are sometimes referred to as Anderson P..

Product Code: TE-027-045



Electric Power Hookup Kit
Electric Power Hookup Kit

This kit includes hookup wire for your Robot Kit. It includes wire, switch, fuse holders, and fuses ..

Product Code: TE-025-000



HD Electric Power Hookup Kit
HD Electric Power Hookup Kit

This kit includes hookup wire for your Heavy Duty Robot Kit. It includes wire, switch, fuse holders,..

Product Code: TE-025-100



WC Electric Power Hookup Kit
WC Electric Power Hookup Kit

This kit includes hookup wire for your Heavy Duty Robot Kit. It includes wire, switch, fuse holders,..

Product Code: TE-373-000



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