USB to Serial Converter (Garagino's programmer) - ON SALE

  • USB to Serial Converter (Garagino's programmer) - ON SALE

The USB Converter Serial (FT232RL) Rev1 has as its objective to convert USB to Serial communication. You can use it for communication (including programming) Microcontrollers (eg ATmega328 present in Garagino Rev 1), or make the communication with devices such as sensors and xbee modules, Bluetooth, among others.

Hardly we found devices with Serial ports (Ex. PC's) available today. Then you must use a USB / Serial converter for communication between the peripheral and the PC or other equipment using USB port.

Serial communication is done by:

  • RXD (Read data), TXD (Write data)
  • DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
  • RTS (Request to Send)
  • CTS (Clear to Send)
  • DSR (Data Set Ready)
  • VCC, GND

USB to Serial Converter (Garagino's programmer) - ON SALE

  • Product Code: MCU-080-001
  • Brand: GarageLab
  • MPN: LDG0202
  • Availability: Discontinued

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